Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Explanation Regarding Disease Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetes or Sugar Disease

Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can also be said to be a disease caused by an abnormality of chemical reactions in terms of proper utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from food due to insufficient expenditure or lack of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. High blood sugar is if the blood sugar level at the time of fasting more than 126 mg / dl and at the time not fast more than 200 mg / dl. Blood sugar levels are usually less than 120-140 mg / dl at 2 hours after eating or drinking liquids containing sugar or other carbohydrates. Normal blood sugar levels tend to increase mildly but progressively after the age of 50 years, especially in people who are not physically active.

Diabetes mellitus has stages or phases, namely:
1. Diabetes mellitus type 1
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is also called childhood diabetes. Its characteristics are the loss of insulin-producing beta cells resulting in insulin deficiency in the body.The most common cause of this type is the fault of an autoimmune reaction that destroys the pancreatic beta cells.

2. Diabetes mellitus type 2
This diabetes occurs due to a combination of disability in insulin production and insulin resistance or reduced sensitivity to insulin involving insulin receptors in the cell membrane.
The most common cause of diabetes is obesity is known to be the most common cause of diabetes in people with diabetes and almost 90% found those who suffer from diabetes caused by obesity and other factors of family derivatives that have diabetes.
Blood sugar levels are increasingly can not be said directly as a symptom of diabetes, but blood sugar levels are increasingly used as a disease of pre-diabetes.

Blood sugar levels should always be wary, normal sugar levels range from 80 to 90 mg / dl. Increased blood sugar will be fatal in other dangerous complications such as chronic hyperglycemia that may cause impaired vision, renal impairment and constricted blood vessels, nervous disorders, inflammatory skin infections, autonomic nervous system disorders etc.
Common symptoms shown by diabetics caused by blood sugar levels that exceed normal limits, such as:
1.    Symptoms of diabetes feel excessive thirst (polydipsia)
2. Symptoms of diabetes Frequent urination with a lot of volume
3. Symptoms of diabetes Feel the extraordinary hunger (polifagi)
4. Symptoms of diabetes Often feel tired as extraordinary as running out of energy
5. Symptoms of diabetes Some of the diabetics there menunujukkan symptoms of infection in the skin
6. Symptoms of diabetes Disruption of vision or vision becomes blurred (farsighted chicken)
7. Symptoms of diabetes Weight loss is decreasing
8. Symptoms of diabetes Hyperglaisimia is an abnormal increase of blood sugar levels
9. Symptoms of diabetes Glikosuria ie urine or urine containing sugar or glucose
10. Symptoms of diabetes Often experience dizziness, nausea
11. Symptoms of diabetes Body resistance or immune system that suddenly weakened during the move

Common causes of diabetes, ie
1. Blood sugar levels rise above normal limits (80-90 mg / dl) in the blood which is a symptom of pre-diabetes
2. Inherited factor of one family member who has diabetes with risk 6 times greater.Generally the genes that contribute the most diabetes is father.
3. Overweight or obesity
4. Malnutrition
5. Side effects from the use of anti diabetic drugs or drugs to lower or control blood sugar levels. The use of antihypertensive drugs can also lead to diabetes
6. Mostly caused by the consumption of foods or beverages that contain lots of sugar.
So for that in the treatment must use natural and herbal medicine in order to help him in curing various tigers complaints of diabetes and can help in overcoming complaints for diabetics because by doing herbal remedies and natural diabetes can be removed easily and use the drug Diabetes which has proven to be safe and very powerful in the benefits to treat diabetes.